To celebrate International Women’s Day, Wednesday 8th, March, 2017, Junior Achievement Nigeria is partnering with some of Nigeria’s most influential women to impact students through financial literacy.

In commemoration of the 2017 International Women’s Day celebration themed “Be Bold For Change”, Junior Achievement Nigeria partnered with some of the nation’s most influential women to teach primary school pupils the fundamentals of financial literacy through the implementation of a Junior Achievement Nigeria program called – JA More Than Money.  The women taught at the Federal Housing Estate Primary School, Victoria Island Primary School, Awoyaya Primary School and Ansarudeen Primary School, on Wednesday March 8th, 2017, Lagos and schools in Abuja and Port-Harcourt.

The International Women’s Day (IWD) is an event focused on a global platform that unifies tenacity and drives action for gender parity, while celebrating the social, cultural, economic and political achievements of women.

Ms. Adaeze Oputa, Associate Director of Programs, for Junior Achievement Nigeria said  “International Women’s Day means different things to different people. For some it’s a celebration, for others it’s a call to action to accelerate gender parity, and for many it’s an opportunity to align and promote relevant activity. Whatever your objective, International Women’s Day is the perfect moment for gender-focused action which is why JAN has selected these women based on their inspiring background to go into classroom to empower these youth to take a hold of their future”.

JAN’s alignment with the IWD sets a tone for JAN’s Leadership, Empowerment, Achievement and Development (LEAD) Camp for girls designed to “inspire and empower young girls to become high achieving women leaders”, which also tackles SDG 5.

#BeBoldForChange #BeBoldForChange2017 #IWD2017 #IAMJAN #JANVolunteers #FinancialLiteracy #workreadiness #entrepreneurship

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