Since the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic, Junior Achievement Nigeria (JA Nigeria) students, including volunteers, have been at the forefront of playing strategic roles to ameliorate as well as cushion the effect of the pandemic. One of our student companies – Government Tech Junior Achiever Company in Onitsha, Anambra State – took the bull by the horn, having identified the need for members of their community to protect themselves from the virus. This made the students venture into the production of personal protective equipment.
The President of the student company, Mba Kingsley, acknowledged that the JA Company program opened their minds to identifying this opportunity while solving a problem.
“Looking at the outbreak of Covid-19 there is a ready market for personal protective equipment which the World Health Organization (WHO) and Nigeria COVID-19 Presidential Task Force have made mandatory that every Nigeria citizen must use a nose mask and hand sanitizer to curb the spread of this deadly virus,” Kingsley said.
“We, the Government Tech Junior Achiever Student Company, having identified this gap came together to fill this gap as an entrepreneur who understands business and the need of people”. He added.
With a seven-man production team led by the production manager, the team source for their raw materials locally and it undergoes different production stages to become a marketable finished product.
The goals of helping Nigerians abide by the use of the personal protective equipment and to help curb the spread of the deadly virus, the students record daily sales of 100 PPE and it is on a geometrical increase.
At JA Nigeria, we do not only groom conscientious business leaders, but we also build socially responsible leaders leading a vibrant economy. As their corporate social responsibility, the student company embarked on a COVID-19 awareness campaign in rural areas of Okpoko and Mkpikpa community; the awareness is aimed at sensitizing the community members on the need to use PPE. They also visited Red Cross motherless baby home in Onitsha and donated nose masks and hand sanitizer, in addition to erecting a COVID-19 prevention billboard in their school.
However, they are still facing the challenge of the high cost of production, poor road network, poor internet connection, and lack of power supply, etc. Despite all these challenges, they rose above the murky waters and thrive.
We are proud of them, always!
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