To contain the spread of the novel coronavirus disease, the Federal Government of Nigeria announced the dismissal of students from school premises, starting on March 21, 2020.
While many students were elated about the news, seeing it as an opportunity to buy more time to prepare for their upcoming exams, nobody expected the shocking turn of events that followed: five months of complete inactivity in schools.
Now reflecting on the past five months, it is clear that the inactivity has not been without its benefits. Some students used the time to adapt to virtual learning aids; some used it to learn new skills; some even discovered hidden potentials. Whichever way things went, we are here now – back to school.
Having said that, we cannot deny that COVID-19 has redefined learning, possibly forever. That is why we, as an organization, are doing what we can to help students reintegrate back to school without any problem.
In this article, we will share some tips that can help adapt to post-COVID learning. Are you ready?
- Focus on collaboration.
We cannot overemphasize this. If there is one thing we have learned from the events of the lockdown, it has to be that competition is a losing strategy for economic survival. So, instead of approaching school work as a competition, approach it with the attitude of a collaborator. Share new ideas with your friends, classmates, and anyone that cares to listen, you may just attract the right persons to your circle.
- Engage in more peer-to-peer learning.
During the lockdown, especially if you didn’t have constant access to the internet, you saw that your teacher won’t always be there to teach you. So, don’t just look forward to learning when it happens between you and your teacher, engage your classmates to revise with you. And it’s a win-win situation because the more you share knowledge with your friends, the more you all know together.
- Keep up with new trends in your area of interest.
In reference to what we said in the last point, you can’t rely on your teachers alone. You need to take advantage of learning platforms like YouTube, Udemy, etc to learn new things in the area of study that interests you. It is helpful because it will give you creative ideas beyond the walls of your classroom.
- Don’t get caught up reading just academic books.
There’s much more to learn behind your Sciences, Commercial, or Art subjects. Learning is not just about knowing what is in your textbook, it’s also about exposing yourself to nee knowledge outside your academics. Expand your horizon. Read widely about psychology, arts, science, literature, books that have shaped industries that they won’t recommend in your school. That’s what makes you stand out. If you’ve not participated in any Junior Achievement program, there’s no better time than now. Click here to learn more about how to participate in JA programs!
- Understand that not everything is within your control.
As a human being and as a student, nothing is ever fully within your control, so embrace this. Rather than dwelling on things, you can’t change, like the fact that the COVID-19 outbreak means you won’t cover your entire syllabus for the previous session, focus on what you can control. Like your daily assignments, the things you will still learn during the course of the year.
- Be accessible.
Create a welcoming environment around you so that people who have fresh knowledge will be open to share them with you. Remember, you cannot be everywhere at the same time, and this is where your human capital comes to play – if you have been there for others, they will definitely be willing to be there for you too.
- Be teachable.
Don’t be too rigid in your opinions. Push past what is comfortable. Make and sustain connections outside of your comfort zone.
And if you ever feel alone, remember that we at JA Nigeria are consistently rooting for you!
Welcome back to school.
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